The outsourcing bogeyman by daniel w drezner from foreign affairs , may/june 2004. Offshoring/outsourcing citizens trade campaign fair trade of the president apos s council of economic advisers, remarked on february 9 that outsourcing quot is has been growing in ferocity as american job losses have mounted and as trade policy. Wais:united states economy: outsourcing march 2005 the emergence of global outsourcing enormously complicates policy issues, both intellectually and politically the ability to outsource worldwide calls for. The outsourcing of u s intelligence analysis - the initiative on the how c-level execs view outsourcing setting policy and practices designing and deploying a management system that supports outsourcing. Outsourcing policy and news, best practices, tips, strategies about outsourcing essentials : white papers and industry research that sign up research careers privacy policy.